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Datin Jenny Ng 来自巴生;因为類風濕性關節炎、痛風、尿酸、造成我关节疼痛;手脚肿;十分疼痛直到不能走路及睡觉。我尝试了各种保健品,各种针灸,中医西医都没有办法好转;很累也很失望。Datin Jenny Ng is from Klang; because of rheumatoid arthritis, gout, uric acid, my joint pain; swollen hands and feet; very painful until I can't walk and sleep. I tried all kinds of health products, all kinds of acupuncture, including Chinese and Western medicine ; it couldn't get better; I was tired and disappointed.

我原本需要参加旅行团后来因为脚痛不能成行;DORIS 介绍我 DORIKA MAHO 他告诉我这是来自日本火山的矿物水;对类风湿关节炎非常有效;我于是开始尝试;经过4个月疗程;我终于好了90%;我十分庆幸遇见了DORIKA MAHO 和 DORIS 给了我一个重生的机会!

I originally needed to join a tour and couldn’t travel because of foot pain; DORIS introduced me to DORIKA MAHO and he told me that this is mineral water from a Japanese volcano; it is very effective for rheumatoid arthritis; I started to try it; after 4 months of treatment; I Finally healed 90%; I am very glad that meeting DORIKA MAHO and DORIS gave me a chance to gain back my health!

How Does Dorika Maho helps in RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS , GOUT, URIC ACID, by Senior Nutritionist Ms Winnie Lai

Dorika Maho 如何幫助治療類風濕性關節炎、痛風、尿酸,由高級營養師 Winnie Lai 女士撰寫

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