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25 พ.ย. 2564ยาว 1 นาที
Anonymous (DIABETES)
2 years wound on the right heel just because bitten by an ant. By just spraying Dorika MAHO (with a dilution of mineral water 50:50),...
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25 พ.ย. 2564ยาว 1 นาที
Gabriel (Fatty Liver)
"I have a serious tiredness problem. Even tough I sleep for more than 8 hours, but I still feel very tired. I couldn't focus on my job....
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25 พ.ย. 2564ยาว 1 นาที
Dato' Tan Leong Poh (Stroke Recovery)
"I got to know Dorika MAHO through my wife after a stroke. At the time, I had no other choice but to try it as this after life of stroke...
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25 พ.ย. 2564ยาว 1 นาที
Ms. Ivy (Weight Loss)
"Initially, I consume Dorika MAHO is because of my skin issue. I am easily get skin infected on my back area. After consuming Dorika...
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25 พ.ย. 2564ยาว 2 นาที
Mr. Sean (Weight Loss, Gout)
"2 years ago, I was 109 kg. Due to severe obesity, I break my spine disc which leads me bedridden for 2 1/2 month. I start to aware the...
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24 พ.ย. 2564ยาว 1 นาที
Ms. Chai Hoon (Hormone Disorder)
I was having thyroid problem many years ago due to my stressful life. Not only it gives me ugly looking, it leads me gain weight...
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24 พ.ย. 2564ยาว 1 นาที
Ms. Krystal Koh (Backache, Constipation, Insomnia)
"I was suffering from a constant backache from my old injury. I couldn't stand or sit for a long time, and couldn't even sit on the...
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24 พ.ย. 2564ยาว 1 นาที
Ms. Penny Choo (严重便秘Severe Constipation & 逆龄Age-Reversing)
"I got to know Dorika MAHO from Doris during my trip to Japan, and have been using it since Nov 2018. I have serious constipation and...
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24 พ.ย. 2564ยาว 1 นาที
Mr. Daniel (Age-Reversing)
"I saw my wife's great result, so, I decided to take Dorika MAHO. I have been consistently taking 10ml in the morning and 10ml in the...
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24 พ.ย. 2564ยาว 1 นาที
Michelle Kong (Age-Reversing, Floaters)
"I had severe edema due to hormonal imbalance. My whole body was swollen like a balloon. I also suffering from floaters for 2 years. I...
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24 พ.ย. 2564ยาว 1 นาที
Anonymous (Pigmentations)
"My pigmentation has been with me for more than 10 years. I gave up trying to get rid of it, but my friend told me that it might help me,...
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24 พ.ย. 2564ยาว 1 นาที
Anonymous (色斑)
“我的脸上色斑问题很严重。我已经花了超过5万令吉,但仍然不能摆脱它。我的好朋友,Ivy向我介绍了Dorika MAHO。在看到她的明显改善后,我对她和产品非常有信心。我坚持每天早晚搭配浓缩柠檬汁服用10ml Dorika MAHO,也将其涂抹在色斑皮肤。...
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24 พ.ย. 2564ยาว 1 นาที
Mr. Sean (Skin Infection)
"I was tortured by this skin infection for 3 days. It cannot recovered although I had applied many types of medication cream. By applying...
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24 พ.ย. 2564ยาว 1 นาที
Anonymous (Skin Eczema)
"My kid was suffering skin eczema since born. After spraying Dorika MAHO for just 1 week, the skin wounds recovered. "
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24 พ.ย. 2564ยาว 1 นาที
Anonymous ( Hair Growth )
"My bald head triggered a crisis and made me very worried. I have tried many hair growth products, but they were ineffective. 4 months...
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24 พ.ย. 2564ยาว 1 นาที
Anonymous (Blood Turbidity)
Before taking dorika maho, red blood cells pile up, causing high blood turbidity and poor blood circulation. 30 minutes after taking...
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24 พ.ย. 2564ยาว 1 นาที
Thomas (Stroke Recovery)
"I regret that I didn't accept Dorika MAHO earlier. I had to suffer and experience life and death. Life after stroke is not a joke. I...
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24 พ.ย. 2564ยาว 1 นาที
Ms. Molly (Depression)
"I have been troubled by depression for many years. My emotions fluctuate drastically and often cause inconvenience to people around me....
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